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Segmentation Research

12 July 2016

What is segmentation?

Growth and success can be achieved by tailoring the communication to various consumers and the target groups that are important for your organization.

Motivaction segmentation research makes it easier for you to make the right choices. With segmentation research a population is divided into different groups which are distinguished from each other by relevant aspects. The aim of this is to divide respondents in such a way that they resemble each other as much as possible within the segments, while they vary from each other as much as possible per group.


Target group and segmentation research

Traditionally segmentation research looks at background characteristics such as age and gender. Thanks to increasing welfare and individualization, these characteristics are less explanatory for our behavior and it is also important to look into deep lying values and incentives. Thanks to segmentation research you gain a view of the incentives of your target group, which allow you to address them in a more focused way.


What does segmentation offer you?

  • Insight into the size of your market and target groups.
  • A sociodemographic profile per segment, so that you know who to approach.
  • A description of the segments in terms of values, lifestyle, attitude and behavior so that you know where and how you can approach your target group.
  • To get the segments to come to life, Motivaction advises to elaborate the segmentation model in personas.
  • Insight into the way this happens, via which media, and with which story lines you can best communicate with your target group.


How does segmenting work?

Segmentation research consists of a number of steps. By way of qualitative research we highlight the wishes, needs and incentives of people concerning a subject. By going into in-depth discussions and opinions, exploring arguments and convictions, hypotheses arise that we can test within a wider population by way of quantitative research. We translate these attitudes in hypothesis or different types of issues, which are presented in a quantitative questionnaire under representative random survey.

By way of cluster analysis we subsequently search for groups of respondents who have those common characteristics and major mutual differences. Motivaction uses Latent Class Analyze for this, a technique where we ensure the quality of the segmentation model.




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